category: soul-of-thought revival
journal: venus-lit vixen
dates: 7-7-04 and 2-13-12
human-animal telepathy
one of my favorite forms of communication is one that i have used all of my life. i'll call it human-animal telepathy. jasmine and i have it down to a fine art. ani and i are still working on the basics of understanding each other. many of you probably already do this with your own pets. i believe that reaching understanding with your animal familiars is an important step in connecting to the essentials of communication. animals are already connected to those essentials...and i feel we can learn a lot from them.
Jasmine passed in March of 2008. As with most animals, she tried to hide from us during her final hours...finding a dark nook behind the basement stairs. When I found her, she was heaving her last breaths. I stayed with her, holding her paw and singing to her. She didn't want to see me cry, because she couldn't get up and wipe my tears with her fur like she usually did. But I couldn't help it. She was my baby. I realized in those last hours with her that we had built the strongest connection I've ever had with another living being up to that point. I let her know I was grateful for her love and that I, too, would always love her. Minutes after I told her it was time for her to let go, she sighed her last breath. But before she did, her eyes softened as she looked into mine and she relayed the message that Ani would be my familiar now.
.:Start noticing what your pet is paying attention to. What interests them and what's their reaction.
jasmine is a very earthy cat, but there are times when she seems to see beyond the realm of reality. she stares at the corners of the ceiling, talking incessantly to whatever she sees up there. sometimes she even tries to climb up the walls to reach it. she believes that she is seeing apparitions...most of them being her brother, max allen. he comes to her when she is feeling lonely. he hasn't returned since ani's arrival, perhaps because ani is like a reincarnation of max. jasmine tends to reject this idea because she prefers the companionship of another male cat. ani reacts to this rejection mostly with pestering jasmine for attention, albeit negative attention. in my opinion on reincarnation, if two souls are bound in one life by a relationship such as brother-sister, the next life is likely to bind the two souls again in a different way...such as the one between jasmine and that those connected souls may experience every possible relationship in order to reach Enlightenment.
.:Start noticing what your pet is paying attention to. What interests them and what's their reaction.
jasmine is a very earthy cat, but there are times when she seems to see beyond the realm of reality. she stares at the corners of the ceiling, talking incessantly to whatever she sees up there. sometimes she even tries to climb up the walls to reach it. she believes that she is seeing apparitions...most of them being her brother, max allen. he comes to her when she is feeling lonely. he hasn't returned since ani's arrival, perhaps because ani is like a reincarnation of max. jasmine tends to reject this idea because she prefers the companionship of another male cat. ani reacts to this rejection mostly with pestering jasmine for attention, albeit negative attention. in my opinion on reincarnation, if two souls are bound in one life by a relationship such as brother-sister, the next life is likely to bind the two souls again in a different way...such as the one between jasmine and that those connected souls may experience every possible relationship in order to reach Enlightenment.
Ani loved Jasmine a lot, even though Jasmine still harbored some resentment about her up until she started to get sick. During Jasmine's final weeks, Ani was very concerned about her. She expressed a lot of worry to me. As a kitten, Ani was goofy and hyper...rarely serious. But she changed during that time. She started taking on more of Jasmine's personality...and she communicated with me a lot more. She began doing the things that Jasmine would do. For example, when I would sing...Ani would be drawn to me like a magnet. When I would cry, she would comfort me. When I would talk to her, she would answer (both vocally as well as telepathically). She acted like Jasmine's protege. After Jasmine passed, Ani did things that Jasmine would do with me, trying to heal my broken heart. I was very grateful for this, because the last thing Jasmine communicated to me was that Ani would be my familiar now...and it came true immediately. She was not exactly like Jasmine, she just took on some of those traits after her death. She was still very much like Ani, only more grown up now. She still ran and hid every time someone would come over, still feared the sound of plastic sacks, still was fearful when people would walk or move near her. See, Ani came to me when she was a tiny kitten found near a dumpster in OKC. Her tail was crooked, and it was obvious she had been abused. I later found out whatever happened to her during that time was done by a very big man (she is still pretty fearful of most men, especially if they walk heavily and speak loudly). She doesn't like sacks because she was discarded in one. So we try to be mindful of these things, which has helped us become more soft-spoken and gentle in our daily lives.
.:Start noticing your pet's facial expressions when you are talking to them. Relate that to what you've learned about reading other's faces to see what they are saying in their expressions. (Remember, babies can get their wants and desires across to their mothers and fathers with out crying out.) It's the beginning of communication.
jasmine scrunches her nose up when she's venting her frustrations. when she winks, it is usually an affirmation of our connected thoughts. when she closes her eyes at me she is telling me to refrain from reading her and allow her some privacy.
.:Start noticing your pet's facial expressions when you are talking to them. Relate that to what you've learned about reading other's faces to see what they are saying in their expressions. (Remember, babies can get their wants and desires across to their mothers and fathers with out crying out.) It's the beginning of communication.
jasmine scrunches her nose up when she's venting her frustrations. when she winks, it is usually an affirmation of our connected thoughts. when she closes her eyes at me she is telling me to refrain from reading her and allow her some privacy.
Ani is extremely loving, mostly toward me...but when she trusts others (as she has come to trust Michael, Alyrica, my mom, and a few other women friends), she melts into their laps and purrs into their petting as well. When she's irritated, her crooked tail will tell you with slaps rather than sweeps. When she's scared, it's all in the eyes and ears. When she's jealous of the other cats getting my attention, she'll glare at them. She is the queen of the house, though she is the least demanding of the three cats who live with us today. Zephyr, our young prince, asks a lot of questions with his big blue eyes. He also smiles when he's happy...he has a really big grin. Zenya, our little princess, is usually the epitome of feline aloofness. She doesn't like to communicate much...just a bit when it's important to her, and then she'll look away when she's done. Both Zephyr and Zen are still in that stage that Ani was in for a couple of years...where their personalities come out expressively, but the communication between us is still building. From my experience, our telepathic connection will soon strengthen like mine did with Ani. Zephyr is already showing signs of realizing that we are open to this kind of communication. Zenya is still deciding if that is a good thing or not.
.:Quiet your mind, center yourself, or learn how to meditate. It will quiet "the committee" in your head that try to check and recheck and triple check then categorize the information that goes in and out of your thought process all day long. It will help you to detach from the, so called, logic override in your speech so you can speak to and for the animals.
i find that concentrating on making your pets happy is the best preparation for clearing your head of the extraneous and by doing so, your pet will then allow for this telepathy. you must trust your intuitions about what they are saying...if your judgement is way off, they will tell you. animals, much like humans, strive to be understood by the people they love.
Recently, Zenya has been testing this communication with me. She sends me messages about where and how to pet her, and where to leave her silky black coat alone because she just cleaned it. When she wants her fuzzy white belly rubbed, she'll send me an image of it without showing me physically that she wants it. When I start petting her belly, she shows me she's pleased by my understanding by closing her eyes softly and rolling over. Zephyr, on the other hand, is more impatient about things. If he wants something, he usually asks vocally or physically. I'm still trying to figure out if this is a boy thing (as I have the most experience with girl cats) or if this is just how he is.
.:Gently reach out and ask a simple question in your head. Is this question your issue or the pets? Be simple with it. Don't expect a complicated lengthy answer.
once you start getting to know your pet by observation, you will have a language shared only between the two of you...with words and ideas that are without that you both can understand perfectly what the other is saying.
.:Gently reach out and ask a simple question in your head. Is this question your issue or the pets? Be simple with it. Don't expect a complicated lengthy answer.
once you start getting to know your pet by observation, you will have a language shared only between the two of you...with words and ideas that are without that you both can understand perfectly what the other is saying.
I know Ani so well by now that most times we don't have to ask each other anything. We are two peas in a pod, as they say, because love is always the highest priority with us. For Zephyr, though he is certainly a lover, it's the physical things that are on his mind most like food, play, and a clean litter box. For Zenya, she prefers peace and independence, but on occasion she will pipe up telepathically to show us how intelligent she is.
.:Allow the FIRST thing that comes into your mind to be verbalized by you. Then see what your pets reaction is. You might be surprised at their facial or vocal answer.
this is very important, because the first thing that comes to you is just what they are trying to say.
.:Allow the FIRST thing that comes into your mind to be verbalized by you. Then see what your pets reaction is. You might be surprised at their facial or vocal answer.
this is very important, because the first thing that comes to you is just what they are trying to say.
When I do this with Zephyr, his first reaction is still a bit like if he doesn't understand that humans can communicate this way. It's almost as if he doubts it himself, so he usually just stares blankly...though sometimes expresses amusement about it. Zenya prefers this kind of communication though...but only when she's in the mood to communicate...she's still testing our abilities to understand if she is the wise sage and we are her students. Ani will communicate with me in every way, and loves it. She will always tell me exactly what she wants very clearly.
.:Don't think about, "Is this real?", "It can't be that!" Just try and
observe your pets answer, facial, body, and vocal. Be detached from the outcome.
second-guessing the messages they are trying to send to you may discourage them from communicating telepathically at all. and if they are trying to tell you something upsetting, don't let it upset you or it will upset them more. talk it out with your pet.
.:Don't think about, "Is this real?", "It can't be that!" Just try and
observe your pets answer, facial, body, and vocal. Be detached from the outcome.
second-guessing the messages they are trying to send to you may discourage them from communicating telepathically at all. and if they are trying to tell you something upsetting, don't let it upset you or it will upset them more. talk it out with your pet.
Zenya has told me before that she doesn't want me to have another child. When I tried to reason with her about it, she turned her back to me and closed her eyes. Ani always tells me what is upsetting her, and it's usually Zephyr. I have told her before that it will get better between her and Zephyr (who is a bit too much of an attention hog for her tastes). I remind her that Jasmine used to feel the same way about her, but she eventually learned to love her. When cats get a bit older, they calm down a bit...which is exactly what is happening now with our little ones (who are not so little anymore). We often catch Ani and Zephyr cuddling up together like the best of friends...just as Jasmine and Ani did after Ani got a bit older.
.:Try the new information out. See if it's a viable answer or if your pet has a sense of humor. Sometimes they will try and interject some humor when we take ourselves too seriously. Be light with it. Animals often feel humans are too serious with questions.
jasmine generally responds seriously to serious questions...her sense of humor comes out when mine does. ani is the opposite, maybe just right now because she is still a kitten...but she doesn't respond to seriousness. she tells us this by chewing on our fingers or toes while we are trying to talk to her.
.:Try the new information out. See if it's a viable answer or if your pet has a sense of humor. Sometimes they will try and interject some humor when we take ourselves too seriously. Be light with it. Animals often feel humans are too serious with questions.
jasmine generally responds seriously to serious questions...her sense of humor comes out when mine does. ani is the opposite, maybe just right now because she is still a kitten...but she doesn't respond to seriousness. she tells us this by chewing on our fingers or toes while we are trying to talk to her.
Zephyr is a jokester...much like Ani used to be (and is still, sometimes). Zenya is the serious one, much like Jasmine was. She doesn't find her brother funny at all. Sometimes, though (when least expected), Zen will show her dry sense of humor by knocking something on to the floor just for if to say 'it's funny because I can't pick it back up and now you have to do it'.
.:Now, have some play with your pet and lighten up. Practice talking to your pet about everything, like you would your friend or child. Love them. You can sing made up songs about them. Have fun!! Include their input in your household decisions. Keep it easy so they will feel free to come to you if something big is up for them.
jasmine and i talk about everything...both in our heads and out loud. she's very intelligent and sensitive, and our personalities mesh well and always have. ani, on the other hand, has ADHD it seems...and she is a little more difficult to talk with. we are still working on a mutual understanding of each other.
.:Now, have some play with your pet and lighten up. Practice talking to your pet about everything, like you would your friend or child. Love them. You can sing made up songs about them. Have fun!! Include their input in your household decisions. Keep it easy so they will feel free to come to you if something big is up for them.
jasmine and i talk about everything...both in our heads and out loud. she's very intelligent and sensitive, and our personalities mesh well and always have. ani, on the other hand, has ADHD it seems...and she is a little more difficult to talk with. we are still working on a mutual understanding of each other.
Ani and Zen like when I sing songs about them. But while Ani hasn't been much for playing since Jasmine passed, Zephyr and Zen (especially Zephyr) appreciate lots of things to play with. One thing that we've introduced that Zephyr really likes is that, at feeding times, we'll get out this little silver bell and let Zephyr be the dinner bell ringer. It makes him feel if he didn't do it, no one would get food.
.:Allow them their independence. No one likes to feel that their thoughts are constantly listened to, or that someone is trying to intrude into their space.
if your pet seems disinterested in having a conversation, they usually are. it's not always neccasarily about the topic in question...and so, if it's something you'd really like to talk with them about...try the subject again later when they are interested.
.:Allow them their independence. No one likes to feel that their thoughts are constantly listened to, or that someone is trying to intrude into their space.
if your pet seems disinterested in having a conversation, they usually are. it's not always neccasarily about the topic in question...and so, if it's something you'd really like to talk with them about...try the subject again later when they are interested.
Ani will always talk with me now...she's rarely disinterested unless she's sleepy. Zephyr is usually distracted by everything else. And Zenya, she expresses disinterest often and clearly. Most times she'll just turn her back if she doesn't want to communicate...and if I keep trying, it will bug her and she'll leave the room. Baby steps with that one.
.:Practice and be easy with the questions and your intuition. No straining or you'll miss the meaning. Remember they "talk" to each other all the time without vocalizing. It's us, humans, that think we have to make noise to talk, not the animals.
it isn't a difficult process at all to become intune with your pet. just let them know you are interested in their thoughts, let them come to you when they are ready to talk.
.:Practice and be easy with the questions and your intuition. No straining or you'll miss the meaning. Remember they "talk" to each other all the time without vocalizing. It's us, humans, that think we have to make noise to talk, not the animals.
it isn't a difficult process at all to become intune with your pet. just let them know you are interested in their thoughts, let them come to you when they are ready to talk.
If you have a pet, you are already probably doing this even if you don't realize it. Humans often doubt their ability to communicate telepathically...we are conditioned out of doing it with each other it at such a young age. But those with strong connections to animals often keep this ability strong and find instances in their lives when the same connection happens between them and other humans. It is an innate ability that everyone shares, though society may dampen it with doubt. But we are, as a whole, stronger in this ability than we have been in the past...sharing ideas and information more rapidly and globally with each other through electronic mindspace. Global telepathy is becoming increasingly more apparent within this window between the Venus transits of our lifetime (2004-2012) with the advent of transparency tools such as wikileaks, facebook, twitter, and many others...but what we are learning from this is that relying on technological tools alone becomes an unnecessary, codependent addiction. What we can learn from the animals in our lives is that we already have the ability to be transparent with one another, share ideas and express intentions instantaneously with others, without the aid of technology. Try sending a text message to your friend without using your phone. Your telepathic connection may already be established, and you may find that they receive your message in another way. This kind of telepathy extends beyond humans and the very earth we live on. Have you been listening to what Mother Nature has been telling us lately? The answers to our most difficult questions are all around us.
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